MetLife Legacy TreesTM

Dec 15, 2023

The Legacy Trees Program is our pledge to plant a tree in honor of each loved one for whom MetLife has paid a Group Life Insurance benefit1. While serving as a living memorial for our insureds, the program will also fight deforestation, provide clean air, shade cover and habitat for animals, while reducing erosion and flooding in communities.

"We are honored to partner with MetLife to help cultivate hope and healing through their Legacy Trees program. As a living tribute to the MetLife community, this program is helping to create more resilient forests and restore vital ecosystems that need it most. Through this collaboration, each tree becomes a legacy that helps build a healthier, more sustainable future for the planet."

– Dan Lambe, Chief Executive of the Arbor Day Foundation

A Timeline of Progress

 a fimeline progress stats from 2018 t0 2024

Hurricane Michael left thousands of acres of destroyed forest cover in its wake. In addition to providing drinking water for nearly 175,000 residents, these areas are also home to wildlife, including the gopher tortoise, bobwhite quail, Sherman’s fox squirrel, deer, turkey, and more2.

Our Tree Planting Partners

Our Tree Planting Partners

photograph by Matthew Coughlin

MetLife partners with the Arbor Day Foundation and their network of local tree planting partners to implement our tree planting program.

As the world’s largest member nonprofit dedicated to planting trees, the Arbor Day Foundation has been inspiring people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees since 1972. And that simple mission has had a global impact. For over 50 years, the Foundation has worked to plant over 500 million trees in forests and communities around the world. And through their strong network of members, partners, and supporters, the Foundation is working to plant another 500 million trees over the next 5 years.

More information is available at

Environmental Statistics Per Tree* 

Avoided and sequestered CO2 per tree (In pounds):


* Projected 40-year estimates based on a small representative species in this area, configured by Arbor Day Foundation using i-Tree Tools.

Farmer cleaning the farm
photograph by Matthew Coughlin


Well always remember that special smile

Well always remember that special smile, that caring heart that warm embrace you always gave us. Although I know l’ll see you again, one day to talk and hold your hand. So until then I will keep the memories of all the times we had, and store them in our hearts whenever I feel sad. Farewell for now.

Millicent Brown

This tribute is for my grandmother Lula Marshall.

This tribute is for my grandmother Lula Marshall. She loved the outdoors and often planted flowers, watered her grass or sit at the park around the corner from her house. She is very much missed. I thank MetLife for honoring her life and legacy by planting a tree and also giving grieving families the necessary resources when it comes to losing a loved one.

Tamara Pattie

Linda McGinnis loved nature and being by the water,

Linda McGinnis loved nature and being by the water, whether it be a lake, pond, ocean or stream. She loved to sit on her family porch and listen to the trees sway in the wind. Knowing that MetLife has planted a tree in her honor is a wonderful feeling. We have traveled through areas that were devastated by the hurricane and it warms our hearts that she is part of the restoration. Thank you very much.

Loved one

My Dad died May 31, 2023

My Dad died May 31, 2023, and I miss him terribly and I know I always will. He was a good man and a wonderful father to me. His advice always made me think and I appreciated his input. His love continues to carry me through my grief process.

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Jerretta Ohaver

Our mom loved the nature !

Our mom loved the nature ! Trees, plants and gardening were just a few things from God that mom helped nurture and love. She definitely has a green thumb! Gwendolyn is still our life support through her loving memories. We honor you, mom! By giving back to our Earth.

Dawnyele Weldon

Kaeden was always helping others no

Kaeden was always helping others no matter how young or old, that was just his nature. He was such an [old] soul for being so young. He would have appreciated a tree being planted in his memory to help the environment. I know his memory will live on forever. Fly high my sweet boy.

Loved one

Thanks to whomever played a part

Thanks to whomever played a part in getting this program started. God bless each and everyone of you for honoring my late husband (Robert Williams). He was a great person and loved everybody. My heart is filled with joy. Again, thank you from the Williams family.

Martha Williams

Wilena loved flowers, plants and trees.

Wilena loved flowers, plants and trees. Her apartment balcony was always a showcase during the summer months. I am a firm believer in the restorative power of being among the trees in a forest. As one of her surviving children, I deeply appreciate MetLife honoring and including my mom in this Legacy program.

Denise Seyfarth

My husband, Anthony Durko, passed away

My husband, Anthony Durko, passed away on Nov. 5, 2023. He loved his plants and made beautiful gardens. He was very proud of his gardens and really enjoyed his plants. He would be so happy to know a tree was planted in his honor.

Donna Durko

Has MetLife

Has MetLife planted a tree for your loved one?

Frequently Asked Questions

The trees are planted at the best suitable planting time for the region, within a given calendar year.

The Arbor Day Foundation thoroughly vets planting partners and project teams to ensure that trees are responsibly planted and maintained throughout the entire project process. While Mother Nature can be difficult to predict, you can rest easy knowing that the Arbor Day Foundation and its partners strive to create healthy, thriving forests.

We are planting one tree for each deceased insured individual of MetLife Group Benefits life insurance. There is no limit on how many trees we will plant. 

Our planting partners select and plant trees native to the specific area. Trees planted through this initiative are 6 – 10 inch seedlings.

All plantings are completed by contracted professional tree planters and are overseen and assessed by foresters on the grounds.

You are welcome to visit the forest area, if desired. While there is a tree planted for every insureds, there are not plaques or markers on the trees to commemorate that they are MetLife trees.

No, there is no option to opt out or make special requests related to the trees. A tree will be planted for every insured individual for whom MetLife has paid a Group Life Insurance benefit. There is no cost to the beneficiary or policyholder.

No, the MetLife Legacy TreesTM program only applies to Group Life Insurance insureds. 

Learn more about MetLife sustainability efforts 

MetLife Sustainability