How to Thrive in the New Work-Life World


How to Thrive in the New Work-Life World

3 min read
Aug 09, 2019

Employers are facing more challenges today than at any other time in the past — from tightening budgets to the war for talent to changing employee expectations, and meeting the needs of a multigenerational workforce; employers have to juggle more responsibilities in less time and with fewer resources.

We’re also seeing a trend where employees are redefining why we work and what work means to people. And as employees see work as a way to gain more fulfillment, pursue their goals, and align their values and experiences more authentically, they’re looking to employers to help them manage this new work-life world.

So, for employers looking to boost business growth and build cultures that foster engagement, productivity and loyalty, we believe that creating environments that support employees’ lives inside and outside of work can lead to a workplace where everyone thrives.

When work and life blend and enrich each other, everybody wins:

employees who agree
employers who agree
76 % Employees who agree
81 % Employers who agree

Taken from MetLife’s 2019 Employee Benefit Trends Study

At MetLife, we’re committed to the workforce and helping you unlock the value of what your employees need. Through our experience of providing benefits solutions to businesses around the world since 1917, we are uniquely suited to:

  • Offer benefits solutions to your employees based on their changing needs.
  • Help you build the environment needed for your workforce to be successful through the insights in our annual Employee Benefit Trends Study.
  • Allow brokers to help their clients stay ahead by providing customized solutions that will inspire loyalty and productivity in employees.

In the changing world of work, one thing remains constant – for companies to thrive, employees have to thrive too and that starts with benefits tailored to suit a workforce filled with unique individuals who have personal stories, ambitions, and goals.

Learn more about the new work world and get to know the people behind the statistics shaping the workplace in our 2019 Employee Benefit Trends Study.